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Showing posts from June, 2019


There are 5 steps in order to get the right message through to another person. Have you ever sent someone an email or  text message and the other person gets upset because they think you are upset with them, but you aren't and they just read the text wrong? I know that has to happen in a relationship more times then expected. An example that I'm going to go off of this for the steps is...  "Hey, babe just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be coming home tonight right after work. Tonight my coworkers and I are going out for dinner. I figure it will be fine with you since you went out last night with your coworkers." The 1st step is the disarming technique. Rather than putting up a guard to defend yourself you need to drop that guard and take in all the information that is truth. In our example the truth in is that the other person had gone out the night before with their coworkers so they should be fine that they go out this night. I know a lot of gi


Have you ever had a crises in your family? If you can't think about a crises right now let me tell you what it means to have a crises. A crises normally involves more than one person in the family. I know that when I was having this lesson in class I couldn't think about a crises that I've had in my family, but now that I've had more time to think about it I have thought about a time I had a crises in my family. I've had a lot of crises happen in my life, but I will only tell you about two of them. The first one I'll talk about is when my aunt was getting a divorce from her abusive husband. They had adopted two daughters in 2012 (I believe). My grandparents went to visit my aunt, uncle and kids in Arizona when they lived there. While they were there my aunt had realized that her husband was abusive and she needed to get her and the kids out. My family in Washington was hearing all about what was happening in Arizona and all we could do was send love to my aunt


This week I learned a lot of interesting things that I never would've thought about. This might be a touchy subject for some people, but I know that this is also a good subject for people to know. Not a lot of people know about fidelity and I'm here to tell you about it. My teacher told a story about two different couples who used to go running together every morning. Let's call them couple NN and MM. One day the wife of couple N wasn't able to run because she had hurt something and the husband of couple M had responsibilities to take care of. Eventually it was only the husband of N and the wife of M running in the morning. The husband of N started to get excited to go running because he wanted to tell wife M about what happened the day before rather then telling his own wife. He realized what he was doing was bad and he wanted to change. Husband N ended up stop running all together because he thought he was being a bad person to his wife. Advice when it comes to fi

Marriage VS. Wedding

I would like you to think about how old you were when you started to think about your wedding day. Many girls about age 12 is when they start to dream about their wedding day, but what's wrong with that is that the marriage continues after the wedding day. The wedding day is just ONE day and marriage is for eternity. Did you know that a typical wedding costs about $27,000 - $38,000? That's a bunch of money that you could be using for something else like your honeymoon, your future children or just to have fun and buy random items you don't need, but want. Save more money on the wedding and spend it on other important things. I know many people in my family that have saved money on their weddings and it was still a very special day. One of the weddings I went to was in the backyard of my grandparents house! All the bride and groom needed to pay for was the chairs that were rented and the arc with flowers on it. The arc you think would've been real expensive, but it r

Dating in this Generation

Have you ever wondered what happened to the dating scene in this generation? I know that my mother has and asks me about it. All I can really tell her is that a date is now just hanging out with a person getting to know them. I know that sounds like a date, but it really isn't because there are three requirements that need to happen in order for it to be date. One requirement that needs to happen is the date needs to be planned out. Your date isn't supposed to pick you up and then ask you what you want to do. They need to have that planned out before they even pick you up. If your date is planned out it's just like the role that the father plays according to The Proclamation to the Family of presiding. Those of you that don't understand the meaning of preside it is "being in the position of authority in a meeting or other gathering." ( That being said then the person in charge of the date (male or female) that person is in charge of what is goi