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Showing posts from July, 2019

Family Relations

Taking this class has taught me so much about the family life. My all time favorite item that we talked about that if your parents growing up weren't the best at parenting together meaning working as a team or just not the best in general then you can change that for your future children. I know that for me I want to change some parenting techniques that my parents did while I was growing up. My parents had 2 different techniques on parenting and only one of them actually worked and the other one just made me fear that parent. The technique that worked for me is the disappointed technique. I will change it a little bit so my children don't feel too bad when they get into trouble. I also really enjoyed learning about the genogram of a family. Like I said in my genogram blog my dad took on a role as father with his siblings and he still has that job today. It's been 22 years since my grandfather passed away and my dad still is taking care of his mother and his sisters. Wh


All of us have grown up in different ways. Some may have grown up with both parents in the home or even only one parent in the home. Maybe even both parents, but one parent is always out of the house and they only see each other on the weekends. That one would be the hardest for me only seeing one of my parents on the weekend and the other one every single day. I'm going to tell you a little about how I was raised in my home with both my parents. As I've said in may of my other blog posts my dad is a stay at home dad. Growing up my parents had different techniques of talking to the child when they were upset. In class we talked about how parents should punish their child. How children who are talked to calmly rather then being yelled at can be more effective.  Let me tell you that I was yelled at also talked to very calmly and I'd like to say that the calmly talking hit me harder then the yelling, but they both got to me. When I got yelled at it made me fear that parent


I personally know many families that didn't grow up with a father. Either it was due to a divorce between the parents, the father never knew the child existed or the father just left and never came back. I know that in my father played a huge roll in my family and life growing up. I have an aunt who got a divorce from her husband and she got custody of her two children. The kids were always at my house for summer and everyday after school until my aunt was off work. I don't know for sure, but I think having my dad staying home as a stay at home dad helped one of my cousins (who grew up with no dad) see how he is supposed to act. My dad has taught him many things to fixing his car which my cousin does by himself now! My dad was my cousins roll model of the male figure. In my life though my dad taught me many things too. He didn't teach me how to fix a car even though it would've been fun. Instead my dad taught me the true meaning of a father figure. He taught me how