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Family Relations

Taking this class has taught me so much about the family life. My all time favorite item that we talked about that if your parents growing up weren't the best at parenting together meaning working as a team or just not the best in general then you can change that for your future children.

I know that for me I want to change some parenting techniques that my parents did while I was growing up. My parents had 2 different techniques on parenting and only one of them actually worked and the other one just made me fear that parent. The technique that worked for me is the disappointed technique. I will change it a little bit so my children don't feel too bad when they get into trouble.

I also really enjoyed learning about the genogram of a family. Like I said in my genogram blog my dad took on a role as father with his siblings and he still has that job today. It's been 22 years since my grandfather passed away and my dad still is taking care of his mother and his sisters. When my grandfather passed away my aunts lost it. They started drinking heavily and taking drugs. One of my aunts ended up getting alcohol poising from doing all this, but it took around 18 years for it to catch up with her. She wasn't expected to recover, but she did and that surprised the doctors since my aunt was telling my family to just pull the plug that she was ready to be with her father again.

That left my dad to take care of my aunt and my grandmother. My dad has been taking care of both of them since 2014. It hasn't been easy for him, but he's been doing it. When my dad is down due to his back us kids have to step in for my dad and make sure that my grandmother and aunt are doing fine.

Another thing that I enjoyed learning about that if you have more then 1 child it helps the children grow up and learn how to have a relationship with each other. I know that my siblings and I growing up weren't the closest together, but when they all started to move out of the house one by one it made me happy when they would come back home. One of my brothers was on his mission so when he came home from being away for 2 years I was so happy that I couldn't stop crying. I hadn't seen him in forever and he was finally in front of me and I was just so happy to see him again. When the four of us kids got together later that week it was like we were all grown up becuase we weren't fighting with each other rather than just talking and enjoying each others company.

I want my future children to have that relationship with their siblings one day. I know that I can't force it on them, but I want my children to see the relationship I have with their uncles and maybe they would want that kind of relationship amongst themselves too.


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