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My Genogram Family

This week the topic made me think a lot about my family at home. A genogram is just like a family tree, but instead it shows the relationships in the family as well. I made a genogram of my family and I'll tell you a little about what I learned.

Let me tell you about my dads side of the family. My dads father passed away in the Fall of 1996. It was a death that everyone was dreading, but knew would be for the best. My dad took on the role of the father in his family, even though he had a family of his own at home. When my oldest brother turned 16 he took on the role of a father because at that time my dad was a stay at home dad due to him getting injured at work and not being allowed to go back. My dad was still our dad, but he would be off taking care of his side of the family or he would be down due to his injury. When I turned 16 as well I took on a small role of mother of the family. My mom would leave me a list of things I had to do for that day.  I would do the grocery shopping for my family and I would cook meals for my family as well

The relationship with my dad and his mother wasn't the healthiest. My dad would be acting like the parent and his mother was the child when in reality that wasn't the case. He would treat his siblings the same way he did before his fathers death, but trying to help them a little like a parent. This made me realize that my grandpa was the glue to the family and once he was gone the family broke. My dad tried his hardest to pick up the pieces and fix the family, but there will always be a couple of pieces missing from the family that can't be brought back.

My dad has been taking care of his side of the family for about 22 years now. I have seen that effect my dad and moms relationship as a married couple. While I was away for college my first semester my mom picked me up when I was finished with the semester. On the way back she told me all these things that had happened while I was away. My mom was telling me a story about my dad doing things for his family even though he really shouldn't have because he wasn't 100% himself. My mom told me that she told my dad that he needed to stop and take care of himself before anyone else because he had a family of his own at home that needed him at there graduations, to seeing their grandchildren and to be a dad to his kids. When she told me these things I completely agreed with her because we need our dad in our lives and our future kids lives as well.

Do you have a similar genogram family or completely opposite? Let me know down in the comments!


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